I finally got out for a walk yesterday. I've been in hibernation mode because it's cold here in Maleny at the moment. It's gotten down to 6-7º and I'm a hot weather gal. I grew up in the tropical heat of Far North Queensland so that's not surprising.
I decided to go through town first and pick up a kombucha for my walk and then take the nice stroll via nature on my way home. Halfway home a friend comes along in his newly purchased car and stops to talk.
He's been sleeping in his car near the beautiful big fig tree on my walk. It's very quiet and relatively secluded from town. So we start to chat. He's an energy worker so he tell me about this girl he helped this weekend; bringing her to nature and re-connecting her with her inner child and intuition. Taking a 'dark' energy off her. And she feels set free.
He's been working on the land; energy work in exchange for payment, and this guy is only paying him half what was agreed upon. We're there for ages encouraging each other and sharing what's been happening in our lives.
Finally he's about to go, and still chatting, I decide to hop into his car and get a lift almost home to make up for the time we've been talking. When I get out, we've still got things to say to each other and I mention that a Big Vision is a really good thing to have.
He says, "you think so?"
"I've had this dream of healing the land of all of Australia since I was 15."
Well, that sparked my intuitive insight to life and immediately a vision of 1000's of people spread around Uluru
alights in my inner landscape.
We're all there to assist and celebrate the opening of Uluru
. The entire rock face of Uluru
crumbles away to reveal a gigantic energy ball, which connects into outer space.
There are 5 major energy centres like Uluru
around the world, 7 including slighter smaller ones.
These energy centres, once connected are huge energy beams that will begin the ascension of earth to the next generation or level of being. And with it, all our true talents, psychic abilities and transformative objectives will be revealed. A complete lifting of the veil, so to speak.
Any atrocities and compartmentalised trauma will be shed and we are free to play in delight.
It was a beautiful vision and one I was reluctant to share here on this page. And my feelings tell that my reluctance is to do with the collective fear of persecution that still pervades many people today, which was effectively implanted in my in my time of birth where we both almost died.
I was a premature cesarean birth and spent time in an incubator. Kind of like a hostile takeover, where both my mothers' anxiety during gestation and my birth experience contributed to this war-like zone.
I still felt the effects of this anxiety and battle until my late 30's.
Which is why my intuition is telling me to write a book. Sharing methods and mindset to become peaceful and calm, full of purpose and direction with a big vision and to live a life you choose.
'Star Ascension; How to Lead a Supercharged and Super-Powered Life Full of Adventure'
What do you think?
Life is a consistent driving force to move forward towards your goals and visions of conscious transformative change.
My life in writing this book will grow and expand by my writing this book. Joy for living!
Appreciation Foundation, All Rights Reserved and Claimed. Credit to Robert Munden Photography for select photos.