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Singer Songwriter, Ninindi Johnstone

Seeing the Codes of Nature

Ninindi Johnstone • March 5, 2018

Life on Planet Earth as a Simulated Reality

Life as a simulated reality.. Do you see the codes?

Having just watched the recent episodes of 'Missing Links' by Greg Braden on Gaia, in which he speaks about our reality as being a computer simulation, I have been conscious of seeing and experiencing the codes in nature via my walking meditation.

I've come to the conclusion that all accelerated learning techniques such as developing a photographic memory, speed reading, etc, are all a progressive dialogue to achieve the simplicity of viewing and experiencing life in code.

And the magic that experiencing life in code is phenomenal.

Imagine reaching through a tree to access something sap inside the tree by gently moving aside the tree's coded language, and once done retrieving the sap, remove your hand as if nothing had ever disturbed the tree.

Or, placing your hand at the surface of a rock wall and gently pushing the code inwards and remove your hand leaving your handprint in the rock.

Life is magical. A magical experience when seen this way. I'm so blessed to be experiencing this imaging.

In my visioning I drink coded water that is pure and clean direct from my creek. When it enters my body, it sparkles and energises every cell, molecule and space inside my body, leaving me feeling alive and energised and ready to take on the world by shining and feeling vitality.

Thank you, thank you, thank you my visioning.

I'm so, so grateful for my experience and will continue to vision you.

Thank you to all reading my Gratitude Journal. May this experience be your experience.

Ninindi is an artist, visionary singer, speaker and mother of 6. Get more insights into Ninindi’s mind scape by following her here at

Take a moment to comment on your own experiences with Ninindi’s post. What do you think, feel, have, be, want, know… ??

By Ninindi Johnstone August 10, 2018
Your mind is an amazing resource storing so much information and leading you towards information you might never have seen. It's also a complicated resource when you allow yourself to think you are your thinking mind. What do I mean? Your mind can take you for a loop on any tangent you like if you allow yourself to get caught there. In fact, people get caught there all the time. Have you ever experienced depression, sadness, anger? Where your thoughts are in a constant loop back to how inferior you are, or how bad you are? I certainly have. And the insight that came to me today was just how our roiling thoughts and emotions are so much like a tornado. Once you are caught in the loop, how difficult it seems to move out of the funk. When you allow yourself to think that you are that loop, that roiling storm of thoughts and emotions.. It's nearly impossible to move out of it, to get back on track with your day to day, to live a functional enjoyable life. When you realise you are more than your thoughts, then you can move beyond them. Which brings me to my Jedi mind trick. How do we realise our true selves? That is, to say, how do you recognise your worth and ability, your expansive Spirit, your Being-ness? Two roll into one: As soon as you notice yourself falling into an emotional thought loop with thoughts like: "I'm not good enough because __(whatever stick you're beating yourself with)__".. Use the Marissa Peer special Jedi mind trick. Repeat "I AM enough" to yourself over and over. This not only refocuses your mind in another direction, it points you in a direction that will fulfil you. And is a penultimate method for truly recognising your expanded self, your inner being, your Spirit. Too simple? Well, before you shun it, use it. Keep using it until your heart opens with love for yourself. That's the only way you will know that it works. Ninindi is an artist, visionary singer, speaker and mother of 6. Get more insights into Ninindi’s mind scape by following her here at Take a moment to comment on your own experiences with Ninindi’s post. What do you think, feel, have, be, want, know… ??
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So I recently became inspired to begin Wim Hof Method breathing for my general wellbeing and to add an extra dimension to my meditation. I'd heard about the Iceman before and thought WOW! I just didn't think that it was something that I'd be able to add to my life at the time. What inspired me the most about the Iceman was when I read information regarding Wim warding off infection by influencing his autonomic nervous system through specific breathing and meditation/concentration. The other day I saw a video interview with Wim Hof and got a handle on how the breathing is meant to happen. I was seriously thinking of buying his 10-week video course. I emailed his support crew and asked the difference between Wim's 10-week video course and his Fundamentals course. The support crew gave me an answer which included the fact that I could get all this information for free if were to look on the net. I hesitated to purchase then. I already got a good idea of the breathing. The other thing I was most interested in was how to ward off infection. I looked that up today. In the steps outlined for the method, this portion is included: "During your power breaths, close your eyes and focus on each part of your body. If you sense something that doesn’t feel quite right, send energy or warmth to that area, and then release." - Ok, so I'm feeling like a walk because my gland in my throat is hurting from a tooth infection, and I'd like to stretch and breathe. Walking along, up a hill, down a hill. My breathing is going along well. I begin to send warmth to my gland in my throat. I see the warmth pushing the infection back to and out from my tooth. I continue to send warmth to my throat and add in words: "I demand that you leave (infection)", "Be gone (infection)" And then my inner vision shows me my wealth being scared off. I've been seeing/feeling myself wealthy in order to be wealthy. And I'm like, why is my wealth being scared off? I'm talking to my tooth and the infection. "I love you my wealth." "Stay with me." Then I asked myself what this was about. I had a vision of small child, - baby - crying and feeling unwelcome and left alone. I know that I was a cesarian child and put in a humidicrib for some time, which caused a lot of grief for myself growing up. I felt disassociated from the 'outer' world and anxious around people. I felt unable to communicate out loud. That is until my mid-thirties when I focused my energy on clearing all these issues from my past. So I then asked myself how my wealth was correlated to my inner child-baby.. The answer... While being carried in my mother's womb, my parents had many issues and worries around money. Wealth for me was associated with being unwelcome in the world. My vision of my inner child-baby being scared because I growled (there was a lot of energy focused in my words demanding the infection leave my body) now made sense. "Oh my baby, come here. I love you. You're always welcome here." And my awareness pulled my baby in close and cuddled her to me like she was my own baby. "Even if I need to be in my power elsewhere in my life, you're always welcome here baby. You're always with me. We are one and I love you." This was such a powerful process for me. Thank you Wim Hof. Thank you me. Thank you breathing. I love, love, love my life. Ninindi is an artist, visionary singer, speaker and mother of 6. Get more insights into Ninindi’s mind scape by following her here at Take a moment to comment on your own experiences with Ninindi’s post. What do you think, feel, have, be, want, know… ??
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